Allergy & Asthma Proceedings

Learning Resources For the Patient

In keeping with the overall mission of the Allergy Asthma Proceedings as a vehicle of communication for the practicing allergist for the ultimate benefit of patients whom we serve, AAP now hosts a comprehensive patient education section of the journal called, ‘For the Patient’. It consists of a one-page synopsis of a relevant article appearing in the same issue of the journal that summarizes succinctly its content but written for patients in a readily comprehensible fashion to help them better understand the content of the corresponding article and its diagnostic and therapeutic implications. Our goal is to demystify the often complicated language that published professional articles of modern medicine frequently convey.

For the Patient is provided to the physicians so that the patients can better understand the language of modern medicine. For the Patient is intended for informational purposes only. This educational synopsis is not meant as a substitute for medical advice. If you have questions regarding this material or are in need of medical advice, please contact your physician. Reproduction is limited to not-for-profit educational purposes only. All other reproductions must be approved by OceanSide Publications.


The format of ‘For the Patient’ consists of the following sections:

  • What is the problem and what is known about it so far?
  • Why did the researchers do this particular study?
  • Who or what was studied?
  • How was the study done?
  • What were the limitations of the study?
  • What are the implications of the study?
  • This new section hallmarks the Proceedings as initiating a patient education program that offers the following unique features:
  • It directly empowers the allergist-immunologist as a patient advocate and educator
  • It enables the allergist-immunologist to reproduce and personalize each published ‘For the Patient’ article on office stationery for direct
    distribution to patients.

It is our hope that ‘For the Patient’ will not only provide a useful patient educational tool for the allergist-immunologist but that it will also will demonstrate that science and technology can progress simultaneously through the energizing force of individualized commitment to the patients whom we serve.

Joseph A Bellanti, MD

Russell A Settipane, MD
Associate Editor











  • November/December: Thyroid autoimmunity and recurrent angioedema in children. The full report is titled, “Association between thyroid autoimmunity and recurrent angioedema in children.”t is in the November-December 2015 issue of Allergy Asthma Proceedings (volume 36, pages 468 to 472). The authors are Hacer Karagol, Ozlem Yilmaz, Erdem Topal, Aysun Bideci, and Arzu Bakirtas.
  • September: New forms of treatment for chronic rhinosinusitis. The full report is titled: “Chronic rhinosinusitis management beyond intranasal steroids and saline irrigations.” It is in the September–October 2015 issue of Allergy Asthma Proceedings (volume 36, pages 339 to 343). The authors are Newton Li and Anju T. Peters.
  • July: How does obesity and viral infection affect asthma and allergic rhinitis?? This full report is titled “Contrasting associations of body mass index and measles with asthma and rhinitis in young adults” It is in the July issue of Allergy & Asthma Proceedings (Vol 36, pg 293-299). The authors are Kimura et al.
  • May: A Vaccine for peanut allergy? This full report is titled “Effect of chemical modifications on allergenic potency of peanut proteins.” It is in the May issue of Allergy & Asthma Proceedings (Vol 36, pg 185-191). The authors are Bencharitiwong et al.
  • March: Breastfeeding and childhood asthma. This full report is titled : “Effect of breastfeeding duration on lung function in asthmatic children”. It is in the March issue of Allergy & Asthma Proceedings (vol 36, no. 2, pages 116-122). The authors are Kim et al.
  • January: Is it asthma? Is it COPD? Is it both? The full report is titled: “The chronic obstructive Pulmonary disease–asthma overlap syndrome”. It is in the January-February 2015 issue of Asthma & Allergy Proceedings (vol 36 no. 1, pages 11-18). The author is Sidney S. Braman.


  • November: Secondhand tobacco smoke exposure in low-income children and its association with asthma. The full report is titled: “Secondhand tobacco smoke exposure in low income children and its association with asthma”. It is in the November- December 2014 issue of Allergy Asthma Proceedings (vol 35,pages 462 to 466). The authors are Christina E. Ciaccio, Anita DiDonna, Kevin Kennedy, Charles S. Barnes, Jay M. Portnoy, and Lanny J. Rosenwasser.
  • September: Risk factors for the development of atopic dermatitis and early wheeze. The full report is titled: “Risk factors for the development of atopic dermatitis and early wheeze”. It is published in the September-October 2014 issue of Allergy Asthma Proceedings (volume 35, pages 382 to 389). The authors are Iwona Stelmach, Monika Bobrowska-Korzeniowska, Katarzyna Smejda, Monika Kopka, Paweł Majak, Joanna Jerzynska, Wlodzimierz Stelmach, Kinga Polan´ ska, Wojciech Sobala, Jolanta Krysicka, Wojciech Hanke.
  • July: Allergic reactions to foods by inhalation in children. The full report is titled: “Allergic reactions to foods by inhalation in children”. It is in the July-August 2014 issue of Allergy Asthma Proceedings (volume 35, pages 288 to 294). The authors are Salvatore Leonardi, Rossella Pecoraro, Martina Filippelli, Michele Miraglia del Giudice, Gianluigi Marseglia, Carmelo Salpietro, Teresa Arrigo, Giovanna Stringari, Sonia Rico, Mario La Rosa and Carlo Caffarelli.
  • May: The relationship between insect sting allergy treatment and patient anxiety and depression. The full report is titled “The relationship between insect sting allergy treatment and patient anxiety and depression” and is available in the May/June issue of Allergy and Asthma Proceedings (Vol 35, No. 3, pages 260-264). The authors are Sarah Findeis and Timothy Craig
  • March: Selective IgE deficiency, immune dysregulation and autoimmunity. The full report is titled Selective IgE deficiency, immune dysregulation and autoimmunity and is available in the March/April issue of Allergy & Asthma Proceedings (volume 35, pages e27-e33). The authors are E. Magen, M. Schlesinger, M. David, I. Ben-Zion, D. Vardy
  • January: Diagnosis and management of chronic urticarial/angioedema. The full report is titled: “Evidence-based diagnosis and treatment of chronic urticaria/ angioedema”
    It is in the January-February 2014 issue of Allergy & Asthma Proceedings (volume 35 pages 10-16). The author is Lang, DM.


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