Journal of Food Allergy

Primers & Manuals

Food Allergy Primer 2020

This “Food Allergy Primer” was written as a comprehensive roadmap for health care professionals to provide optimal care to food allergy sufferers. OceanSide Publications and Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) are pleased to have partnered in its publication.  With over 27 separate papers, this Primer delivers a comprehensive, yet concise overview of the field of food allergy, its diagnosis and management. The authors, all members of the FARE Clinical Network, have addressed, in succinct style, the question frequently asked by clinicians, “What do we need to know?”  Additionally, each paper closes with a list of most relevant clinical pearls. Only through OceanSide Publications, can a bound version of this Primer be purchased.

JFA Oral Immunotherapy (OIT) Manual

The OIT Manual represents a collection of 25 papers from authors who have combined information from published reports and their own clinical experience with the goal of providing general guidance with sufficient detail to enable readers to safely and effectively develop OIT programs for their patients. The sections on diagnosis, shared decision-making, and safety are at least as important as the sections on OIT dosing regimens for specific foods.

$49 plus $8 shipping and handling for one copy within the US.
Orders of multiple copies or international purchases, please contact the Editorial office for pricing at [email protected].

Drug Allergy and Protocols for Management of Drug Allergies, 3rd Edition

Edited by: Leslie C. Grammer, M.D., and Paul A. Greenberger, M.D. with 12 additional contributing authors.

This 3rd edition (2003 copyright) of Drug Allergy and Protocols, is the latest edition available. This publication represents the state of the art in the field of drug allergy. The 1st and 2nd editions sold out shortly after printing. We suggest that you purchase this new 3rd edition as soon as possible in order to guarantee your copy. There have been significant changes with updated information, improvement and additions between the 2nd and 3rd edition. This is an extremely practical book for specialists in Allergy/Immunology, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Family Practice, Infectious Disease, and Pharmacy. It is a MUST book to keep on hand for EMERGENCIES AND CONSULTATIONS.

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