Authors Services

Expedited Manuscript Service (EMS)

Speeds Up Publication

Launched by Journal of Precision Respiratory Medicine in 2008, EMS expedites both the peer review process and the publication date of accepted manuscripts. EMS provides the fastest process for both electronic and print publication. EMS provides a unique concierge level of service to authors, which facilitates the fastest publication process attainable for both electronic and print publication.

Concierge Service for a Demanding Clientele

Authors who consider the publication of their manuscripts to be time sensitive or who have specific publication deadlines to meet, will appreciate and request our EMS in order to ensure prioritized manuscript handling.

Benefits of Publishing with EMS

  • The author receives peer review feedback and editor’s first decision within two weeks of manuscript submission.
  • Accepted EMS manuscripts are e-published ahead of print.
  • Upon e-publication, EMS abstracts are posted on PubMed and are immediately citable
  • e-publication of EMS manuscripts is widely announced by broadcast e-mail to all relevant medical specialists in the U.S.
  • Optional “Open Access” to “full text” is just one click away! (for personal noncommercial use only)
  • Accepted EMS manuscripts are published in the very next Journal issue scheduled to print.

Questions regarding “EMS” should be directed to the OceanSide Publications office at:

[email protected]

450 Veteran Memorial Parkway, Bldg. 15
East Providence, RI 02914



Use the order button on this page to order online.

Additional Information

  1. The Expedited Review service offers prompt peer review for time-sensitive material.
  2. All invoices must be paid within 24 hours. Upon receipt of payment, the manuscript files will be tagged as an Expedited Manuscript and treated as such. OceanSide accepts Visa, MasterCard and American Express payments. For immediate processing, simply complete the order button below or click here for a printable form that you can mail in with your credit card information and signature. Your card will be charged $750.00
  3. The purposes of this service are to provide the author with an initial editorial decision within 14 days of this agreement and to expedite the publication of accepted manuscripts. Accepted EMS manuscripts are e-published, ahead of print, on the journal’s Ingenta hosted website within 10 days of final corrections to the author’s page proofs and are print published in the very next journal issue going to press.
  4. Please note that designation of a paper as ‘EMS’ does not alter the journal’s scientific/medical standard for peer review acceptance; rather only the timing of peer review and publication are intended to be influenced. In all circumstances, the Proceedings will adhere to the ethical standards of the peer review process, as stated in the full instructions to authors. If a manuscript, submitted under this option, is rejected for publication by the editor, no amount of the $750 is refundable. Use the order button below to order your subscription online.

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